For The Male Mind
For The Male Mind
Scott Hardiman

Welcome to For The Male Mind

Determined men who want to break through their mindset barriers and stop second guessing themselves

What it's all about

For The Male Mind is a private membership subscription platform dedicated to helping men break through their confidence and mindset barriers so they can stop second guessing themselves and go for their goals.

The platform is hosted by Men's Confidence and Mindset Coach, Scott Hardiman of Further Coaching. 

He uses his expert tools, knowledge, techniques and insights to deliver a value packed supportive space, with the goal of helping men become the most confident version of themselves.

Drop your frustrations, your increasing negative self talk and constant nagging self doubt and take action to master confidence in yourself.

For The Male Mind will help you navigate your inner struggles and overcome them in a supportive and motivational space.

Who it's for and who it's not for

For men who are:

  • Full of negative self talk
  • Held back by self doubt
  • Not their most confident selves
  • Determined to overcome their inner struggles
  • Motivated to find answers
  • Want to feel part of a supportive community of men
  • Ready to master their mind

Not for men who:

  • Aren't willing to put their self discovery and self development first
  • Want to stay exactly where they are
  • Aren't interested in joining a community of like-minded men
  • Are confident in themselves and don't see areas for improvement
  • Don't experience self doubt as part of their daily life
  • Already put their self development first every day and are mastering their goals

Benefits of joining For The Male Mind

🎞️ Interactive LIVE classes and workshops with founder of For The Male Mind and Further Coaching, men's confidence and progress coach Scott Hardiman. The sessions will be incredibly valuable in helping you on your journey to mastering your mindset. Delivering easy to follow, targeted content and learning with action steps you can take in your day to day to help you progress towards confidence in yourself.

✔️ Live Q&A's & Socials. An opportunity to create real connections with other like minded men. Get one on one coaching time with Scott to answer some of your pressing personal queries and questions around growth, mindset and being a man. 

🎥 Invaluable video content and value packed articles with exclusive and expert advice and techniques for overcoming your self doubt and working towards confidence.

🌌 All content is specifically designed around the uniqueness of men and their experiences, so our members feel understood as a man in today's world.

🙎‍♂️ Cultivating a true community of like-minded men, who you can connect with and build relationships with, to help you feel understood and supported on your journey.

🧠 Men supporting men - Helping to keep you motivated and provide accountability so your progress stays consistent and you don't waiver and fall back into old habits and old thought patterns.

✔️ Regular member challenges to encourage you to take action and hold yourself accountable to your progress.